My Purpose

As I sit here, gazing out of the plane window at the fluffy white clouds and clear blue skies, I can’t help but be amazed at God’s beautiful creation.  As I look below, the buildings look like little specs. Then it hit me; we are nothing more than mere dust particles in relation to the whole spectrum of the universe. And to think that out of all existence, God thought that I was necessary blows my mind.

Purpose is the force that drives our actions, and inmost beings. As young children, our parents put us in school for the purpose of teaching us how to get along with others, how to read and write, and how to ultimately be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in the world on our own. Just as gasoline serves the purpose of providing energy to vehicles so that they can function and food serves the purpose of nourishing our bodies to provide energy, I believe that God has created each and every one of us for a specific purpose. It may take some time  to figure out what exactly that purpose is, but once you do; you’ll never look at yourself or the world the same again.  

I found out my purpose in Fall 2015, a few months after I moved to Charlotte, NC to start my career. I was sitting in bible study and our group was discussing the previous message from Sunday, which was focused on finding out our God given purposes. In the midst of discussion, God revealed to me that my purpose and gift was to encourage others. Now this wasn’t anything new to me because I naturally had a heart for helping others, and in a world where our problems can be so heavy and burdensome, encouragement is so necessary. But what was new to me, was the ways in which I would go about it. In that moment, all of these ideas and projects started to stir up in my heart. That’s when I knew, that life was bigger than me.  I felt at peace with my assignment and knew that encouragement was my specific calling.

One of the ways I feel called to encourage is through my blog, videos, and website. My vision is to help you become the person you are Purposed to Be from the inside out.

  1. Inner Self- Your inmost being is your truest self and lies within your soul and mind. This is where your beliefs and values stem from. Your being is the foundation and framework for who you are.

  2. Middle Self- You were given only one life and one body. Your best being and quality of life is dependent upon your habits, health, relationships, and daily experiences.

  3. Outer Self- True beauty comes from the inside out however, once you’ve taken care of your inner and middle self, there’s nothing wrong with sharing your beauty outwardly as well. 

When you feel beautiful from the inside out, that is when you exude confidence.  Confidence is the key that allows you to step out on faith, try new things, experience life, and chase your dreams. Confidence is attainable once you are aware and comfortable in who you are purposed to Be. Now, let me clarify; Reaching Who you are Purposed to Be, is an ever-evolving process. It’s infinite. Your true self is continuously growing and changing the more you realize who you are and that’s okay. Your whole self is more so being the very best version of yourself in your current season and if you allow me to, I would love to help you get there.

I’m super excited for this new season and can’t wait to share with you my experiences, struggles, successes, tools, and to just go through life with you! Please subscribe and stay tuned next on ways to help you find your purpose and much more. Be blessed.